Silverfish Have Long Lifespans: How to Purge These Pests

1. Control the humidity

Silverfish Have Long Lifespans: How to Purge These Pests

Given their name, it makes sense that silverfish are (to some degree) water-loving creatures. They thrive in humid, wet conditions. To keep moisture under control, ensure that any plumbing issues are fixed. Make sure condensation isn’t forming on places like windowsills. Use a dehumidifier to decrease the humidity in your home. Make sure all closed rooms are well-ventilated. This can contribute to standing water forming, which help silverfish breed.

2. Keep the temperature cool

Silverfish Have Long Lifespans: How to Purge These Pests

Silverfish like warmer climates. Temperatures in the 70s are optimal breeding conditions for silverfish. Warmer weather increases the humidity as well, which is why silverfish infestations are a bigger problem during the summer. If you can, keep your home cool. Running the air conditioner during warmer seasons can run up a utility bill, it will also prevent silverfish from growing in your home.

3. Keep food tightly sealed and stored

Silverfish Have Long Lifespans: How to Purge These Pests

Silverfish feast on any available food source. Using Chemotaxis, they can discover various sources of nutrition. This will drive them to your pantry and kitchen where food is available. Given the dark pantry and regularly used kitchen, there is likely going to be warmth and humidity in these places as well, increasing the likelihood of silverfish infestation. Make sure all stored foods are tightly sealed to ensure silverfish do not invade.

4. Use local insecticide to kill a present silverfish infestation

Silverfish Have Long Lifespans: How to Purge These Pests

If you’ve already noticed silverfish inside your home, the first few tips are unlikely to eliminate a current infestation. Use residual insecticide to eliminate the pests. Spray the inner perimeter of your home to kill any silverfish trying to move into your house’s foundation. Ensure the outside of the house is sprayed as well to keep any new silverfish from entering. Silverfish can also enter through the attic. Make sure you take the time to eliminate any silverfish that try to enter from the top.

5. Call the professionals

The Silverfish Scourge: How to Rid Yourself of Infestation

Ultimately, if a silverfish infestation has already started and the local insecticide doesn’t help, make sure you call professionals for assistance. Silverfish can remain in homes for long periods of time, so don’t be afraid to contact us to permanently take care of the problem. JDM Pest Control employs only the most efficient pest control specialists to get rid of silverfish. We use state-of-the-art techniques to not just kill silverfish in your home but keep them from returning. Call us today at 416-729-3568.